How to Get A Car For Free by Staff
June 29, 2022
Everyone does not live in a big city where they can readily access public transportation if they don't own a vehicle. Some people can afford an Uber or a Lyft, while others cannot.
If you think really really hard, you may be able to come up with one or two ways to get a car for free, but I will show you five actual ways that you can use to get a free car.
best friend or friends for years knows of your hardships, but they are
waiting on you to personally come to them. So you have to put your
pride aside.
they have a car that you could have or borrow. Never buy a vehicle
from a friend, it will ruin the relationship. Make a contract of the
terms of the agreement, and both or all of you sign and date it, then
everyone gets a copy.
they have a car that they let you have or borrow, don't expect them to
make necessary repairs and to keep gasoline in the vehicle, these are
your responsibilities. You should also get insurance on the car, just
in case.
you are not familiar with a 'crowd funding site' they can be an
excellent way to get the extra money you need to purchase a cash car, or
to even get caught up on the bills.
funding is a relatively new concept that basically equates to
panhandling on the street corner. Many sites do not accept personal
pleas for money, but there are a few that can help you, I will cover
these at the end of this segment.
How To Get Started?
First, you have to create your plea, your cry for help. In this instance it is for a car, but it could be for any hardship.
you have to create a video and post it to YouTube, the best video to
make is one that has the potential to go Viral, to spread like
wildfire. For a viral video, it should be under one minuet, the skit
should be funny, poke fun at yourself, if you can.
Next, you log on to the Crowd funding site, create an account and post your information.
you want to get as much attention focused on you as possible. Tell
others about your funding. Post on Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter.
E-mail the local media, post flyers in your neighborhood, and create a
poster to place on the vehicles of your friends.
What are the best Crowd Funding Sites for Individuals?
- Go Fund Me -
- also allow you to collect money for personal causes. However they
will charge you a percentage of the fund you receive for their time.
There is a host of other crowd funding sites. Conduct a Google® search to find out the best one for you.
is essentially trading a service or goods for something else. It does
not involve cash, which make bartering so attractive. I know you've
seen ads for bartering before, such as: will trade mobile home for boat,
or will work for food. Will work for food is a typical sign a homeless
person would hold on the street corner.
Since the days of bible and before then, bartering has been in existence.
Use Bartering News 1 (949) 831.0607 - in
California, to help you locate clubs or conduct a Google ® search to
find the closest bartering club to you. You may have to pay a
membership to join the club, but it will be well worth it.
If you join a bartering club, you just look for people who have cars to trade for something.
you don't decide to join a bartering club, there are several ways that
you can find someone to barter with you. You can place ads in your
local Want Ads paper and at online classified sites, look in the
classified ads in big newspapers, or look at online classified sites.
When using this method to obtain a car, use a contract and put everything in writing. You'll still be responsible for TTL.
you boss sees that you are a good worker, but that you need reliable
transportation to get back and forth to work, they may be able to help
you. Normally managers hate to loose good help and will bend over
backwards to help.
one can help you if you don't ask for it, so ask? He or she already
knows that you are having trouble getting to work and probably has taken
you home on more than one occasion.
need a car, the city uses vehicles for public works, but what does it
do with those vehicles when they are retired. Maybe the city you live
in has a program that can help people get transportation, especially if
the city does not offer public transportation. You don't know if you
don't ask.
Maybe you could even barter services?
HOW TO GET A CAR FOR FREE: in eleven marvelous ways by bd manus.